Students must first attend Avon High School. Avon Academy attendees are recommended by AHS to the Academy. The steps in the process are outlined below.
IdentificationThe AHS Student Support Team meets to identify and prioritize students on their teams who meet qualifications and are a best fit for the Academy.
PrioritizationAHS Assistant Principals meet to compile the Academy candidate list and prioritize who should attend. Seniors who are credit deficient get first priority.
Recommendation MeetingAHS Assistant Principals and Counselors meet with the Avon Academy Admissions Team to make their recommendations.
Admissions FormAcademy candidates fill out required admissions forms and schedule registration meetings at the Academy.
Registration MeetingAcademy candidates and their parents/guardians complete the required in-person registration meeting at Avon Academy. |
Our Mission
Avon Academy serves students who are credit deficient, who may not find success in a large environment, or who may be young parents.
The desired outcome is that each student graduate on time with a plan for the future.
Our mission is to inspire students with school and community-based partnerships and consistent adult relationships, engage learners with direct instruction and individual service learning plans, and empower citizens to graduate on time and take ownership of their future.
Kellie Rodkey
p: (317) 754-3187
f: (317) 544-5004
Avon Academy is housed at the Avon Schools Administration Center: 7203 East US Highway 36.